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Participatory Art

Associate Artist, Studio 3 Arts

One of the current projects I'm working on is ‘Up in the Air’ with Studio 3 Arts, featuring myself and Taraneh Jahanpour as two furloughed air hostesses trying to find their land legs in unusual times, whilst meeting and connecting with people in Barking and Dagenham. We fused this with an immersive photo postcard project as well as creating air-obics - a flight attendant themed fitness class playfully designed for those who might not normally engage in formalised exercise.


Meet Me at Lewisham Homes, Workshop Facilitation

Taraneh and I also co-facilitated a twelve week long outfit embellishing class through Meet Me at, Entelechy Arts and Lewisham Homes. This involved running weekly workshops and creating costumes and choreography for the Age Against the Machine finale parade.

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I have also enjoyed working as a weekly arts facilitator at Single Homelessness Project (SHP) creating participatory murals; and have created community workshops for the likes of Camberwell Arts, Willesden Green Library, Emergency Exit Arts. I also facilitated the painting of a woodland mural in a school alongside Sion The Painter, which we created so that every pupil in the school (200) picked up a paintbrush as got involved in painting the wall.


This year I graduated from Lewisham School of Muralism which focused on participatory design and painting. What I love most of all about community arts is the meeting of minds, the connections, the conversations and the strength in togetherness.

SHP Mural Facilitation

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Lewisham School of Muralism Participatory Process


Participatory Mural, St Dunstan's College, co-collaboration with Sion the Painter

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Barnieart Participatory Process - The Hithe

and at the Ivy House

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and at WDP Brent

Public Participation, Tower Bridge Mural

Joan’s Cat Vix Pop
00:00 / 01:30
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